Monday, May 21, 2007

Husband and Wife's Day

In Korea, we have around 40 commemoration days including some of national holidays. However, I think many can hardly name any ten of these commemoration days. It's mostly due to they are not bank holidays and we are not so much concerned with the groups that wished to have those commerative days. As for me, I list Elderly's Day, Sea's Day, Book's Day, Students' Day, Science Day, Environment Day, Police Day, Disabled's Day.

And today I've learned another commemoration day, "Husband and Wife's Day", which was just enacted this year. This morning I was watching a news channel, and it explained why 21 May was chosen for the day: in May, so-called a month of family (we have both Children's Day and Parents' Day this month), 21 means 2 persons (man & woman) become 1 family. Though the term 'husband & wife' in this meaning strongly refers to only married couple, excluding couples just living together, I like the idea of detaching and attaching the number 21.

Just a giggle: today is also Coming-of-Age Day here. Unlike other commeration days, this special day does not have a fixed date but is the third Monday in May. The meaning of 21 from H&W Day can be applied to this day too I think, if it simply means 'two become one' like the one from Spice Girls' song.;)

* Photo: My best friend, Jinhee and her husband, Jinho, who have just got married.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

looks like perfect match, ... but how can one really tell ?

however lots of succes to them !