Thursday, June 28, 2007

Everyday Seoul - My additional blog

지금 이 블로그 외에 또 다른 블로그를 오늘 공식적으로 열었다.
이름 하야 "Everyday Seoul"!

몇 달 전에 우연히 빠리지엥 Eric이 운영하는 Paris Daily Photo라는 블로그를 Blogger.com에서 알게 되었다.
자신이 살고 있는 도시에서 찍은 사진을 매일 한 장을 올리는 것이 원칙인데,
이 간단한 규칙이 전 세계 약 150여개 도시의 블로거들에 의해 지켜지고 있다.
서울도 이미 두 명의 블로거가 활약 중인데,
한 명은 활동을 잠정 중단한 것 같고 Han이라는 분은 꾸준히 올리고 있다.
난 거의 매일 로테르담 과 빠리 사이트를 들어가는데,
최근에는 다른 도시들도 눈여겨 보고 있다.

처음엔 당장 하고 싶었지만 매일 한 장씩 올린다는 게 쉬운 일만은 아닌 것 같아
감히 도전을 못하고 있다가 지난 주 월요일부터 시작하여
스스로 시범 운영을 해보았는데,
규칙을 잘 지켜서 오늘 공식적으로 문을 열게 되었다.
이제 나를 게으른 블로거라고 부르기는 힘들 것이다.^^V

Besides this blog, I officially open additional blog of mine today, which is named "Everyday Seoul"! About a month ago, I happened to find 'Paris Daily Photo' by Eric, Parisian, while surfing The rule is post a daily photo of the city where you are living and this simple rule is observed by bloggers in nearly 150 cities worldwide. Seoul has already had two bloggers, but one seemed to have stopped posting and the other one, Han, sticks to the rule. I visit Rotterdam and Paris almost everyday and recently I'm spreading my attention to other cities.

When I found City Daily Photo Blog, I wanted to join the community right away but didn't dare to do so because it seemed quite tough to post a photo a day. So I have had a trial period myself since Monday of last week and grading myself well-done, finally I open the blog. Now you will no longer call me a lazy blogger.^^V (Korean emoticon of smiling eyes and victory sign)


Anonymous said...

I will certainly check out your new blog. My korean friend recently visited me and I miss her.

Sunkyoung said...

Hey, nice to read your comment again. From your post of bulkoki, I read some parts of your old good memories with your friends and I know exactly what kind of feeling you have about that. Memories of sharing food and laughters with friends last long indeed though it sometimes makes us sentimental. I look forward to your visit to my daily blog.:)

Unknown said...

Yeah, and between Rotterdam (Erasmus)and Paris (city of that many 'things')... there is this offer to you to visit some good old Europ..
but how to react and check ?

Unknown said...

i did delete, then repeat, ... and if you check Han 198th picture on Christmas eve at Lotte dept store ( or was it star ? ) ... you can puzzle further... with Magritte, the 25th floorlight (5)...

" Jo Eun Ha Ru Doi Se Yo ! "

...."zei ik dat goed ? "
= did i put this right ? .)

Leber said...

Just 'discovered' your blog(s) today. I wanted to read about Irish people living in Korea and I ended up here.

I lived in Korea on and off for 2 years a few years ago and like to stay in touch with what is going on there. I still have some friends there and still miss kimchi chigae!Unfortunately there are no korean restaurants in cork and in Dublin they are run by chinese people - we still speak korean to them after drinking a few sojus though!! Anyway, keep blogging

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

I read carefully about dread to join DP 'cause to post a photo daily it seems it's a must. Your thought in fact were mine and I did absolutely *the same* before to join :-)

About *this* blog I have to admit that I love your food in same way it seems you love Italian movies. I saw "Dopo Mezzanotte" and I like it even if a bit grotesque.

I love movies me too and I hope you will have a chance to come here one day to visit the Museum of Cinema in Torino one of the most important in the world:

(Sorry if too long ).

Sunkyoung said...

Willem - Sorry for this belated reply to your comments here. Besides you are in Belgium, I hope to see your own blog or read your stories. Tot ziens!

Leber - So glad that you've discovered my blogs. Since I returned to Korea after six-month stay in Dublin in 2005, I can say I've been deeply involved in the Irish community here in Korea. For instance, I'm a liaison officer of Irish Association Korea and participated in organising St. Patrick's Day Festival 2007, which gained the biggest success ever with more than 5,000 participants and spectators. These days I'm helping Seoul Gaels, the gaelic football team, get some pitches for their practice. I've fallen in love with Eire and I love to see and read anything about the country. I'll visit your blog soon.

Fabrizio - Thank you for dropping by this blog. Now I see you got a sneak view from my emoticon, ^^V. I thought you had another link to Korea and learnt this emoticon from them.

I like lots of things about Italia and definitely some of them are food, films and language. I used to cook lots of pasta in Dublin, really enjoyed 'L'Ultimo Bacio' last year and love to hear people speaking Italian.

It was the Winter Olympic Games that I learnt about Torino for the first time, but now I've got a couple of reasons to visit there.

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

I really hope you will have chance to come here very soon and no, the first time I noticed that emoticon was on your site (and I liked it). "L'ultimo bacio" (the last kiss) it's a remarkable movie that it'a able to give an idea on italian way to live about people in their thirties.

Sunkyoung said...

If I can make it to go to Europe, Tornino will be one of destinations for sure. I really really liked 'Last Kiss' and the way the whole story was developed was also brilliant.^o^(big smile)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hello Sunkyoung Lee,

my friend and I are on an Asia Trip. We have come from Germany to Russia, Japan to South Korea. We are in Seoul right now. I have discovered your blog while I were searching for things to see and to do here and it sounds interesting to me. Would you have time and the mood to show us around a little bit? It is always nice to meet people in the country we are visiting.

You can reach me at
our blog is:


Anonymous said...

앗. 이럴수가. 이런일을 하는 블로거가 많았군요. 저도 블로그에 하루 한장의 사진을 올리기를 하고 있거든요. ^^

Sunkyoung said...

매일 올리고 계신다면 City Daily Photo Blog에 가입하셔도 좋겠어요. 빠리는 누구에게나 사랑받는 인기 만점 도시라 또 다른 시각으로 보여지는 빠리를 누구나 다 좋아할거예요.